Wednesday 3 April 2013

(Fiction) The pianist - Episode 2: How I met her?

My secret love is my sister's bestfriend and classmate, Yoon-ah. She is amazing in quitar and violin. I tried in the past years to get close to her, but I guess I will be forever her "baby Kimchi". Well, don't ask why she called me like that T-T. Is too embarrasing to tell you!!! So, my dear and sweet and lovely Yoon-ah. I loved her since the very first moment I saw her, but of course she didn't see me back then.
I remember that winter sunny day, when she first came to our house. I was trapped in the tree next to our house because our goose tried to bite me and ran after me all day. Our weird goose, Trax, was this scarry. It would bite anyone around it except for mom, which was like it's own mother. So, if I could go back in time, I would definitely close the goose in it's place to stay! But, my experience is special. So, while she was walking in our house, my family welcomed her warmly and asked her a lot of questions. They laughed and  talked for about one hour and a half, until they firgured out that I was missing! So, then, she saw me though the window and asked who "that person is". I don't want to remember how embarrasing it was for me to stay in the tree while my mother tried to catch Trax. Everybody laughed a lot. Her laugh sounded like a twinkle's bell, soft and joyful. She looked at me and smiled. And then she said: You look like a scared little kimchi baby! and so I got this "nickname". After that, she came at our home at least once per week. She and my sister would compose songs together and I would listen to them silently. 
She is really calm and nice. She is that type of person who will do her best to make you smile, who cares about others, who smiles a lot. She is perfect. She and my sister became friends right after transfering in my sister's class,  and they became like sisters. Her eyes, shiny and black, looked like some black pearls, her lips are pink as a raspberry, soft as a marshmallow, and her long hair, made her look like a doll. She was a perfect combination of cuteness, sexy and feminine. Since the first moment I saw her entering in our house I was curios about her. She was so shy and lovely that I forgot about the angry goose and I was about to go down from the tree. But unfortunately, Trax remembered me I wasn't alone, hahaha.
Btw, please don't laugh! I know everybody had at least once this kind of experience. The goose is not difficult to handle, unless you are a child. And I was a child...Anyway, this is how we met. Even now, after so many years, we would remember that scene and laugh a lot!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Leave, before I change my mind

There comes a time when you have to give up. And is not because you stopped caring about that person, but because that person doesn't need you anymore in his or her life. I've been traveling to London these days and I kept thinking of this guy that I like. I was thinking about ways to go out of this one-sided love, of ways to forget about him as he did about me. Not that he ever loved me, but anyway.
He is that type of person that doesn't show up his true feelings or thoughts. He is that kind of person that let everybody thinks he doesn't care about anything than himself, that he is "blind" to normal daily things that "normal" people do. He is that kind of person that is afraid of being himself and he is scared to face the true world. He is really kind inside, but he is not used to show his true face. And I wonder why...
He is like a scared little cat, lost in a big and scary world. He likes his own world that he created because he feels safe and protected. Sometimes I wonder why I had to love him, why my heart choosed him, but my only answer is: he is special! When I look at him I feel like hugging him and staying by his side forever. I'm missing his smile a lot these days, it's been a while since I last talked to him. I wonder how he is doing, if he is well or not, if he has difficult time or not.
I miss the days he never knew about my true feelings, the days he used to smile at me. The days when everybody was close to me. I miss him even more when I close my eyes and start dreaming. I had to fight a lot of people in order to love him, but the day I was afraid of, finally came. I have to give up because he asked me to...because he doesn't need me anymore, because he is too scared to say "yes", because he is afraid to get close to someone. He never said he doesn't like me. But he said to give up because he doesn't want to get close to me or know me better.
So, before I change my mind, please go away! Leave and never show up your face in front of me. I don't want to see you ever again because I might not keep my word and hold on you.
I love you now, with all my heart. Please find someone who will never make you cry and who will love you more than I do. Be happy and I will be happy too. ILY (: