Wednesday 3 April 2013

(Fiction) The pianist - Episode 2: How I met her?

My secret love is my sister's bestfriend and classmate, Yoon-ah. She is amazing in quitar and violin. I tried in the past years to get close to her, but I guess I will be forever her "baby Kimchi". Well, don't ask why she called me like that T-T. Is too embarrasing to tell you!!! So, my dear and sweet and lovely Yoon-ah. I loved her since the very first moment I saw her, but of course she didn't see me back then.
I remember that winter sunny day, when she first came to our house. I was trapped in the tree next to our house because our goose tried to bite me and ran after me all day. Our weird goose, Trax, was this scarry. It would bite anyone around it except for mom, which was like it's own mother. So, if I could go back in time, I would definitely close the goose in it's place to stay! But, my experience is special. So, while she was walking in our house, my family welcomed her warmly and asked her a lot of questions. They laughed and  talked for about one hour and a half, until they firgured out that I was missing! So, then, she saw me though the window and asked who "that person is". I don't want to remember how embarrasing it was for me to stay in the tree while my mother tried to catch Trax. Everybody laughed a lot. Her laugh sounded like a twinkle's bell, soft and joyful. She looked at me and smiled. And then she said: You look like a scared little kimchi baby! and so I got this "nickname". After that, she came at our home at least once per week. She and my sister would compose songs together and I would listen to them silently. 
She is really calm and nice. She is that type of person who will do her best to make you smile, who cares about others, who smiles a lot. She is perfect. She and my sister became friends right after transfering in my sister's class,  and they became like sisters. Her eyes, shiny and black, looked like some black pearls, her lips are pink as a raspberry, soft as a marshmallow, and her long hair, made her look like a doll. She was a perfect combination of cuteness, sexy and feminine. Since the first moment I saw her entering in our house I was curios about her. She was so shy and lovely that I forgot about the angry goose and I was about to go down from the tree. But unfortunately, Trax remembered me I wasn't alone, hahaha.
Btw, please don't laugh! I know everybody had at least once this kind of experience. The goose is not difficult to handle, unless you are a child. And I was a child...Anyway, this is how we met. Even now, after so many years, we would remember that scene and laugh a lot!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Leave, before I change my mind

There comes a time when you have to give up. And is not because you stopped caring about that person, but because that person doesn't need you anymore in his or her life. I've been traveling to London these days and I kept thinking of this guy that I like. I was thinking about ways to go out of this one-sided love, of ways to forget about him as he did about me. Not that he ever loved me, but anyway.
He is that type of person that doesn't show up his true feelings or thoughts. He is that kind of person that let everybody thinks he doesn't care about anything than himself, that he is "blind" to normal daily things that "normal" people do. He is that kind of person that is afraid of being himself and he is scared to face the true world. He is really kind inside, but he is not used to show his true face. And I wonder why...
He is like a scared little cat, lost in a big and scary world. He likes his own world that he created because he feels safe and protected. Sometimes I wonder why I had to love him, why my heart choosed him, but my only answer is: he is special! When I look at him I feel like hugging him and staying by his side forever. I'm missing his smile a lot these days, it's been a while since I last talked to him. I wonder how he is doing, if he is well or not, if he has difficult time or not.
I miss the days he never knew about my true feelings, the days he used to smile at me. The days when everybody was close to me. I miss him even more when I close my eyes and start dreaming. I had to fight a lot of people in order to love him, but the day I was afraid of, finally came. I have to give up because he asked me to...because he doesn't need me anymore, because he is too scared to say "yes", because he is afraid to get close to someone. He never said he doesn't like me. But he said to give up because he doesn't want to get close to me or know me better.
So, before I change my mind, please go away! Leave and never show up your face in front of me. I don't want to see you ever again because I might not keep my word and hold on you.
I love you now, with all my heart. Please find someone who will never make you cry and who will love you more than I do. Be happy and I will be happy too. ILY (:

Monday 28 January 2013

(Fiction) The pianist - Episode 1: My parent's story (2)

This is just a fictional story. Take it as it is. Hope you like my creations.

 My parents had a difficult time after that. Being alone in a different world, with no one to help them, to understand them. With no money, no house, they only had each other. But this didn't stopped them from loving and caring about each other and the others. They said that after two months, my mother finally could find some housework in a family with five kids. After working there for one year, they could afford to pay rent in this house. Of course, in the beginning they lived here with another young couple, their best friends, Emilly and TaeKyong. They are living now next to us, in the same garden. They built their own house, as they pleased and my parents helped them a lot during this process. But coming back to my parent's story, after 3 years, my father had to go to the army. He promissed to marry my mother right after he will come back, which he did, by the way. During this time, my mother patiently waited for him, visited him, prepared with love and care lunch boxes. They always smile when they remember that period. All the other boys were jealous on him. My mother was beautiful, delicate, a good cook, she never missed the visit period. They were young, in love and a great pair. Their relationship always was based on trust, respect and communication. 

The day of their wedding came finally. One of the best days ever, as they said. All the village was there. Mr. Kim, the pastor from the Church, said some words that my parents will remember all their life: Love each other, in goods and bads, in rich and poor, in noise and silence, in ups and downs, love each other as our dear Jesus loves us no matter what we do, say or think. Love yourself and the ones next to you, the neighbor, the one living four streets away, love the friends of your future children as much as you will love your own kids, feed the street man as you feed your own family, give them a glass of water when they are thirsty. When your pair is sick, pray for him to get well, but pray for yourself too, ask God confidence and strenght. Then, the pastor turned in my father's way and said: Young man, from now on you will not be just a boy. You will be a husband, the wisest person of this future family, a father, a man. You will have full responsability of what happenes in your family, you will have to raise your kids well, to take care and love them and your wife. And don't forget that God has to be still in your heart. Don't forget to pray, even when times are hard and complicated. Trust Him no matter what because He loves you and will never give up on you. Never. 
Then, he turned his head in my mother's way and said: My dear young girl. He smiled. You are going to be a responsable mother, I know this. I see you come each Sunday at Church. You are a good person, a delicate flower. Please never change, stay like this. Never lose trust in God, never give up on your family, on your believes. People are bad sometimes, forgive them. They will try to upset you, to make you fail. No matter what, forgive them. They will tell you that you cannot do something. Try it anyway. Even if you will fail, at least you've tried. God is good, He will help you if you have a sincere heart. If you get lost on your way, look closer. Change your direction and get back on the right path. You will be the model of your dauthers, and JiYoung will be a model for your son. Be the kind of parents you wish you had, be the right models for your dauthers and sons. Love each other no matter if the other one fails or walk on the wrong path. Love him anyway. Because there is no such a perfect person in this world. We only can find the imperfect person who fit perfectly with us. Everybody know your wonderful story so make us happy by living in peace and love. May God bless you two with happiness, wiseness, love, healthy children. 

After that, he gently took my parent's both hands and put them together. When he said: I pronounce you husband and wife., my mother started to cry, but not because of sadness but because she was too happy. They weren't that rich so the dress and the costume were borrowed by some nice neighbors. They had the lucky chance to take pictures without paying. The pastor and his wife paid for them. If I think of this, my parents seem like they were indeed loved by the others. And they still are. Our neighbors said that my mother was so beautiful that they will always remember her as a braid. Everybody was so happy for them that they were send to the beach for the first time. That was their "honeymoon". They left like they were, dressed in same clothes. Someone picked them up and gave them a ride. They were left there and that man came in the evening for them.

They said that were magic moments that will not let us know, because "we are too young now" so I cannot explain how their honemoon was, but they smile and look with love at each other when we talk about their life. My sister came after one year. They said, during her pregnancy my mother shined like a diamond. As I refletect until now, all pregnant/ future mothers are extremly beautiful. I am wondering if they become like this because their body knows that they will have a new baby and their body wants to be so beacutiful for the new baby. I am not sure about that, but anyway. Let's get back to our story. Oh, yes! My sister came. And she recevied pretty clothes from the other women in the village. My parents named her JiSoo.

My sister was a beauty. Of course, she looked like my mother. And she used to laugh a lot. At anyone. All the village people loved her from the first moment. I mean, of course they loved her! Who wouldn't like an angel like her? A new born baby? Their innocence is amazing. But, before I get too sentimental, I have to go on with my parent's story. After two years, I came. Finally, me.

But people say that I had the weirdest faces all the time. They used to laugh of me when I was a baby. Com'on people xD. I was just a baby. Why they laugh of me all the time when they remember me as a baby? xD My parents say that I was adorable and that's why. And a calm child. And, as my sister was, I used to laugh a lot. And play with anyone's hair. kkk I think this was funny. 
Anyway, don't believe that my parent's life was easy! Not at all. But they are hard-working people. They never gave up on anything, they struggled a lot until now, they did sacrifices for us, as any parent would do. Aww, I love so much my parents. 
After I was born, my sister used to play a lot with me. She paid special attention to me and my needs. My mother stopped working when my nuna (=older sister) was born. She had to take care of us. But she used to bake cakes and cook for other families. My parents dedicated their life raising us. But they never yelled at us, they never argued, they tried all the time to discuss things. I believe a mother is a hero. During the day, she does laundry, cook, clean, take care of us, and at the end of the day she still have time to wait her husband with warm food on the table. Awsome mom! 
Time passed quickly and here we are. I am here, at the first day of school. Hope you didn't forget where I was before I started this lovely story of my parents. I used to say that I like studying, I want to grow up and go to school so much that my sister starting teaching me things, since I was 4 years old. Lucky me, I was always before the others. My school life is a disaster, not because of my grades, but because I make a fool of myself all the time. But I will let you know more in the next episode.

Saturday 26 January 2013

(Fiction) The pianist - Episode 1: My parent's story (1)

This is just a fictional story. Take it as it is. Hope you will like my creations.
One second, just one, and I was silent. I couldn't think at all. My mind stopped that moment and I couldn't say or do anything. I had so many things to say, but in the end all my words stopped in my head. Her eyes asking what I want, her pretty face, her round shiny eyes. Ahh, why she was so pretty that I had to lose this chance. Her hair looked clean and healthy as always, it's smell was like a fresh lily tree's blossom. The spring wind blew gentle on her face and her long and perfect hair flew in one side covering her half face. The bell rang and we had to go to our classes.
-Oh, the break is over already, she said softly. I am sorry. She took my cheek in her small and fragile fingers and smiled. I've never seen such a beautiful smile in my life. She looked innocent and strong in the same time, like she could flew away all the bads in my life. I could live my hole life watching over her and I would never get bored. But I was just her classmate's younger brother. Then, she left. And I was left there alone, dreaming at her. Life is unfair, I thought. Why I was so young? 

2 years before that ....

It was my first day of highschool. I wanted so much to study music that I begged my parents to give me a chance too. My older sister, JiHee was the best musician in our neighborehood. Our parents, poor as they were, they did their best to raise us well. Unfortunately, only JiHee had a chance to study piano since she was 9. They worked hard to never feel different than our classmated, but sometimes I wished I had a chance too. I was envious and jealous on her until I saw her performing on a stage. I saw her and I realized that she was born to sing. She was amazing. Even if we didn't had money for a private teacher for me, she patiently teached me what she studied with her teacher. Somehow, I was lucky to have her. Lovely, patient, nice. A great person with a big heart. If I weren't her brother I would've liked to be her husband in the future. Strange thought. Anyway, I wanted a wife just like her and our mother. Strangely, they looked so alike: same warm eyes, same soft lips, same small nose, same shiny hair. Whenever I had problems in school, my sister was by my side, she took care of those bad boys by just being there and talking. Everybody loved her. She was the prettiest girl in our school. She was also the smartest. She never failed an exam, she never failed anything. Is she weren't my own sister, for sure I wouldn't even believe such a person exists. 
Our parents, both orfans, tried their best to raise us well and take care of us. They fell in love from the first moment they saw each other, and from that day, they stood together. My mother's parents died in a car accident. She was only 10 years old when she ended up in an orphanage. Her aunt didn't want my mother and she abandoned her there. My father never net his parents. He was there since birth and had lived there his hole life, until he met my mother. I recall them telling their love story. <3
They say my mother used to be  scared and alone all the time. A fragile human being who needed always to be protected. Pretty, smart, gentle, all the other girls were jealous and they tried all the time to bully her. Greatfuly, she met the superhero - my father. They fell in love at the first sight. Unbelieveble for us, but because of them we were raised to believe in pure love. They cared for each other for years, stood together  everyday and then got married. They were friends, lovers, mother and father for each other, children and parents in the same time. Hard-working, honest and patient, all our neighbors loved them. My mother never truly worked, but she dedicated her entire life raising us, kinitting and crochetting clothes, cleaning houses, doing small jobs for others. My father is a respected policeman. In our village, he is the one who keeps order and safety. So, I guess I am pretty lucky. They are great! 
The day they met each other, my mother was crying in a corner of the building they were living. It was her first day. She was already bullied already by Amy, an American lost child who ended up there by mistake. Her tutors lost her in Busan and never came for her. She was a child-problem. Beat all the other girls, took their food, their toys. She was evil and  never stopped bulling the others. Amy was 6 years older than my mother. But she had only one weakness. Amy, too, was in love with my father. For a long time. Whoever was in touch with him ended up beaten to death. That first day, Amy bullied my mother to let her know who is the boss there, like in all orphanages. Unfortunately, nobody even tried to do anything about Amy, so she continued her "job". 
My mother's crying was silent. she was just sitting there, with her hand hugging her knees, with her head down and looking trough the the rocks. Outsides was raining, a spring, shower rain. The sky was awkwardly half clear, but the rain wouldn't stop. It looked like even the sky was sad because my mother cried. She looked so pitiful, alone and scared, that he fell in love imediatly. He was wondering who is that little girl, with pretty long hair and shiny eyes, with soft small lips and pretty pink dress. He watched her crying and walked silently close to her. 
-Hhh! he coughed especially to catch her attention. Miss, you should stop crying. Because of you, even the sky is crying. See? he showed her the sky. Please, stop making the sky cry. Don't you know? I hate when is raining because I get all wet. And if I get wet, I catch a cold. And if I catch a cold, I will be sick.
She silently stopped crying and kept looking at this boy. He was strangely somehow trying to make her stop crying and she didn't knew why. Why would a stranger care for her? There, nobody was nice to her. e guardians threw her away in that dark, wet and cold room, the older girls kept pushing her from place to place, took her food, her clothes, everything. She finally escaped and went outside to take a walk, but because of the rain, she got lost. Since her aunt told her that she doesn't want my mother, she never had a moment of peace. The was forced to pack her things and she ended up there. And now, this pretty young boy came and talked to her. Is he an angel? She was thinking that she dreams or something. She winked for a few times and looked at him again.
-Miss, didn't you hear me? I asked you to stop crying. He sat on his knees, took her face in his hands and removed her last tears from her round cheek. When girls are crying, they become uglier. All the boys say this. And I believe it too. Without realizing it, she smiled. And he smiled too. 
They said that they both remember that day like it would've been yesterday. The day they met. And after that, my father saved her from those girls. Amy kept giving her a hard time, but the day she was forced to leave came and all the problems got solved. They could be together without anyone interrupt them. My father was released first, when he was 18. He worked hard and got a small room for him to stay there. Sometimes, my mother would visit him there, but never later than 6 p.m. when she needed to be in the orphanage. The time passed quickly and she had to leave too. At that time, all the guardians and the girls loved her. Hard-working, a good cook, gently, she help everybody all the time. My parents said that the guardians cried her leaving. Nobody was like her, even if she had nothing than her parent's picture. And that was all that she took when she left. Here starts my parent's journey together!

Feel free to comment if you want this story to continue! Thank you in advance for suporting me!

Thursday 24 January 2013

Letter to Kim Beom/ Kim Bum/ 김범

Hello my dear Kim Beom,

I am just a fan, a normal fan that you don't know. I am writing here in order not to forget why I started studying Korean in the first place. ㅋㅋㅋ
So, my name is Mary and I am from Romania. I guess I was your first Romanian fan since I saw you first time in "High Kick" and I was like "Who is this cute little actor?". After that I kept looking for informations about you and stayed besides you, even if you didn't know. I am not writing this to let you know NOW, but one day I hope I will be able to say this to you. 
I have been  trying to get in touch with you but you didn't know English and you never replied to me. So I decided to study Korean to be able to send you messages. and by the way, why in the world you don't have contests with all the fans from the world? I tried to apply to that contest, to win a date with you, but it was only for Asia T-T. And then again, at the contest from "Haru Day" movie, I never found out who the winner was. I kept reading about you all the time, I have tried to study hard and learn Korean language but I haven't contacted you yet. I am wondering if you, idols, really care about your fans. I started this new project "Kim Bum's Fan-club from Romania" this year, and I hope I will make it bigger each day. 
But anyway, what is important is that I am still hoping that one day I will meet you in person and talk to you. here I am studying at English Poetry and dreaming about the day my wish comes true. Do you think is possible this? 
Until we will meet, please stop getting sick because of the movies, eat well, rest, smile a lot and be healthy. With love, your fan.^^

Saturday 19 January 2013

Superheroes in American literature: Introductory part ( I )

A superhero is a type of character that has superhuman powers and, usually, is dedicated to justice, people and saving the planet. Superheroes appear mostly in comic books and they are dominant in American literature. Superheroes share a lot of common superhuman powers like flying, picking up very heavy and big objects, look through objects, read minds, spit fire and so on. The first superhero character is Superman created by American writer Jerry Siegal and Canadian-born American artist Joe Shuster, and it was published by DC Comics in 1938. This character was created as a challange for the modern era, to make people believe that a man can fly. And they succeded. Today, Marvel Characters Inc. and DC Comics share the ownership over the phrases "super hero" and "super heroes". 

About superheroes:
Well-known superheroes characters are Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man, Wonder Woman and Iron Man. They share extraordinary powers and abilities, unusual skills or advanced equipment. Superheroes are devoted to the people and are willing to rick their lives without expecting any reward, and have a motivation, such as strong belief in justice and humanitarian service (Superman), a sense of responsability (Spider-man), a formal calling (Wonder-woman) or a personal vendetta against criminals (Batman). Superheroes have a hidden identity to protect their families and friends from becoming a target for their enemies or to protect themselves from getting arrested, and they have one or more close friends or family members who know their secrets. They have  code names and use special costumes that represent themselves. Mainly, superheroes work independently. Depending on what they can do, they can have special equipment, also their enemies are, usually, almost the same in all fights. 
Althout superhero fiction is considered a form of fantasy/ adventure, it crosses into many genres. Within their fictional universe, public perception of superheroes varies greatly. 

About superhero comics:
Superhero comics is a form of American comic books. Superhero comics started with Superman in 1938 and since then, the number of superhero characters has raised. Superhero comics feature stories about superhuman powered characters and the universes these characters inhabit. Superheroes became popular in late '30s and early '40s. During the World War II they became stars. 
The first Action Comics was published in 1938, which featured a man with red cape and blue costume who was strong enough to fly with an automobile in his hands. That was "Superman", he came and he was the first character with superpowers much greater than a human being. In 941, the first superwoman was presented. Beautiful, stong and intelligent, Wonder Woman acquired her powers from gods and goddesses. She had bullet-proof bands and a magic, golden lasso. 
After that, appeared many other comic books with superheroes. Here is a short history of the comic books that appeared at that time:
1. One of the first American comic books, that came over 100 years ago, is "The Yellow Kid". It was the first printed comic magazine, published in 1896. 
2. After that, the "true" funny book that appeared was called "Funnies on Parade", in 1933. It was sold in over 10,000 printed copies. It was a succes, so M.C. Gaines continued to print comics.
3. The second comic book that M.C. Gaines published was "Famous Funnies: a Carnavals of Comics", in 1933. It was a 64 pages book, sold with only 10 cents. Because this book didn't bring any profit, they stopped publishing this book. 
4. In 1934, another series of  "Famous Funnies" was published. It had four pages and it was published twice a month through newsstands.
5. Another pre-Superman comic created by Elzie Segar, is "Popeye" in 1929. He was different than the others. He didn't had any spectaculous power, but he ate his spinach and got some extra muscles. 
6."New Fun: The Big Comic Magazine" was created in february of 1935 by Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, who decided not to pay the fees for publishing it in the newspapers. It was published in a bigger size by National Allied Publications Inc.
7. "The Phantom" was the first costumed hero, he was created in 1936 by Lee Falk. Despite his human abilities, the hero was still fighting for the crimes that others comitted. 
8. In 1937 the first true DC comic book came out. "Detective Comics" was created by Major Malcolm Wheeler. The writer didn't had enough money to publish it so he had to collaborate with printer/ distribuitor Harry Donenfeld.

After 1938, the number of Superheroes increased. Superman, Batman, Wonderman and Wonderwoman, were the most famous of them. They appeared in many comic books in different views and situations because people loved them. They were interesting and different in they own ways so the writers could see the succes of writing them. 

More informations about the history of comic books here:  Click here

Thursday 17 January 2013

My mother visited me in my dreams...

Last night I had a great pleasure. I saw my mother's face in my dreams. I am glad she didnn't forget about her dauther here, who's been waiting for this for a long time. 
We were going home after shopping, I had all bags in my hand and as soon as we got inside the building, my mother's face got all pale. She started to tremble somehow and I knew something is wrong. I asked her to take the elevator without me, with all bags down, and wait for me when she gets there. I ran on the staires, but a lady was putting somehow many flowerpots down, on the staries so that made me run slower. After -finally- arriving there, the door at the elevator was empty, with the door opened and it was too much white light inside. I ran inside the house, of course all the bags were already on the floor, but my mother was more pale than she was before, trembling and sweaty, and I started to argue her a lot: why she didn't wait, that I told her to wait, that she doesn't take care of herself...Basically that was all, after that I woke up.
The weirdest part was that, somehow, I realized she is dead in real life, but on the other hand, everything looked so real. :(

 I miss you mommy, I miss you everyday and I can't stop thinking of you. I wish I could do more to save you. I am sorry for not being able to save you, for being such a bad daugther to you. I apologize that I left you all alone just because I wanted to follow my stupid dream. I lost precious time without being next to you. I hope you can forgive me, mom.

나는 당신을 진짜 보고 싶다.... (=I really miss you.)