Thursday 24 January 2013

Letter to Kim Beom/ Kim Bum/ 김범

Hello my dear Kim Beom,

I am just a fan, a normal fan that you don't know. I am writing here in order not to forget why I started studying Korean in the first place. ㅋㅋㅋ
So, my name is Mary and I am from Romania. I guess I was your first Romanian fan since I saw you first time in "High Kick" and I was like "Who is this cute little actor?". After that I kept looking for informations about you and stayed besides you, even if you didn't know. I am not writing this to let you know NOW, but one day I hope I will be able to say this to you. 
I have been  trying to get in touch with you but you didn't know English and you never replied to me. So I decided to study Korean to be able to send you messages. and by the way, why in the world you don't have contests with all the fans from the world? I tried to apply to that contest, to win a date with you, but it was only for Asia T-T. And then again, at the contest from "Haru Day" movie, I never found out who the winner was. I kept reading about you all the time, I have tried to study hard and learn Korean language but I haven't contacted you yet. I am wondering if you, idols, really care about your fans. I started this new project "Kim Bum's Fan-club from Romania" this year, and I hope I will make it bigger each day. 
But anyway, what is important is that I am still hoping that one day I will meet you in person and talk to you. here I am studying at English Poetry and dreaming about the day my wish comes true. Do you think is possible this? 
Until we will meet, please stop getting sick because of the movies, eat well, rest, smile a lot and be healthy. With love, your fan.^^

1 comment:

  1. Buna.Ma numesc Iustina, si sunt fan telenovele coreene. Tocmai i-am scris lui Kim Bum pe pagina oficiala de pe Facebook. Dar scrie in engleza . Bine, doar posteaza, nu raspunde nimanui. Multumeste pentru incurajari... Intra si tu pe Facebook si vezi. Mie imi este simpatic, dar nu sunt indragostita de nici un actor coreean.Imi place foarte mult tara, admir obiceiurile, cultura. Si imi plac oamenii.
    Mi-as dori sa sa indragosteasca un coreean de mine, cu toate ca am 47 de ani impliniti. Poate mai vorbim.I-am scris ca are multi fani in Romania.Nu toti stiu de Blogul tau. Poate ar trebui sa-l pui pe Facebook.Sunt convinsa ca ai avea mai mult succes. Te pup.
