Monday 28 January 2013

(Fiction) The pianist - Episode 1: My parent's story (2)

This is just a fictional story. Take it as it is. Hope you like my creations.

 My parents had a difficult time after that. Being alone in a different world, with no one to help them, to understand them. With no money, no house, they only had each other. But this didn't stopped them from loving and caring about each other and the others. They said that after two months, my mother finally could find some housework in a family with five kids. After working there for one year, they could afford to pay rent in this house. Of course, in the beginning they lived here with another young couple, their best friends, Emilly and TaeKyong. They are living now next to us, in the same garden. They built their own house, as they pleased and my parents helped them a lot during this process. But coming back to my parent's story, after 3 years, my father had to go to the army. He promissed to marry my mother right after he will come back, which he did, by the way. During this time, my mother patiently waited for him, visited him, prepared with love and care lunch boxes. They always smile when they remember that period. All the other boys were jealous on him. My mother was beautiful, delicate, a good cook, she never missed the visit period. They were young, in love and a great pair. Their relationship always was based on trust, respect and communication. 

The day of their wedding came finally. One of the best days ever, as they said. All the village was there. Mr. Kim, the pastor from the Church, said some words that my parents will remember all their life: Love each other, in goods and bads, in rich and poor, in noise and silence, in ups and downs, love each other as our dear Jesus loves us no matter what we do, say or think. Love yourself and the ones next to you, the neighbor, the one living four streets away, love the friends of your future children as much as you will love your own kids, feed the street man as you feed your own family, give them a glass of water when they are thirsty. When your pair is sick, pray for him to get well, but pray for yourself too, ask God confidence and strenght. Then, the pastor turned in my father's way and said: Young man, from now on you will not be just a boy. You will be a husband, the wisest person of this future family, a father, a man. You will have full responsability of what happenes in your family, you will have to raise your kids well, to take care and love them and your wife. And don't forget that God has to be still in your heart. Don't forget to pray, even when times are hard and complicated. Trust Him no matter what because He loves you and will never give up on you. Never. 
Then, he turned his head in my mother's way and said: My dear young girl. He smiled. You are going to be a responsable mother, I know this. I see you come each Sunday at Church. You are a good person, a delicate flower. Please never change, stay like this. Never lose trust in God, never give up on your family, on your believes. People are bad sometimes, forgive them. They will try to upset you, to make you fail. No matter what, forgive them. They will tell you that you cannot do something. Try it anyway. Even if you will fail, at least you've tried. God is good, He will help you if you have a sincere heart. If you get lost on your way, look closer. Change your direction and get back on the right path. You will be the model of your dauthers, and JiYoung will be a model for your son. Be the kind of parents you wish you had, be the right models for your dauthers and sons. Love each other no matter if the other one fails or walk on the wrong path. Love him anyway. Because there is no such a perfect person in this world. We only can find the imperfect person who fit perfectly with us. Everybody know your wonderful story so make us happy by living in peace and love. May God bless you two with happiness, wiseness, love, healthy children. 

After that, he gently took my parent's both hands and put them together. When he said: I pronounce you husband and wife., my mother started to cry, but not because of sadness but because she was too happy. They weren't that rich so the dress and the costume were borrowed by some nice neighbors. They had the lucky chance to take pictures without paying. The pastor and his wife paid for them. If I think of this, my parents seem like they were indeed loved by the others. And they still are. Our neighbors said that my mother was so beautiful that they will always remember her as a braid. Everybody was so happy for them that they were send to the beach for the first time. That was their "honeymoon". They left like they were, dressed in same clothes. Someone picked them up and gave them a ride. They were left there and that man came in the evening for them.

They said that were magic moments that will not let us know, because "we are too young now" so I cannot explain how their honemoon was, but they smile and look with love at each other when we talk about their life. My sister came after one year. They said, during her pregnancy my mother shined like a diamond. As I refletect until now, all pregnant/ future mothers are extremly beautiful. I am wondering if they become like this because their body knows that they will have a new baby and their body wants to be so beacutiful for the new baby. I am not sure about that, but anyway. Let's get back to our story. Oh, yes! My sister came. And she recevied pretty clothes from the other women in the village. My parents named her JiSoo.

My sister was a beauty. Of course, she looked like my mother. And she used to laugh a lot. At anyone. All the village people loved her from the first moment. I mean, of course they loved her! Who wouldn't like an angel like her? A new born baby? Their innocence is amazing. But, before I get too sentimental, I have to go on with my parent's story. After two years, I came. Finally, me.

But people say that I had the weirdest faces all the time. They used to laugh of me when I was a baby. Com'on people xD. I was just a baby. Why they laugh of me all the time when they remember me as a baby? xD My parents say that I was adorable and that's why. And a calm child. And, as my sister was, I used to laugh a lot. And play with anyone's hair. kkk I think this was funny. 
Anyway, don't believe that my parent's life was easy! Not at all. But they are hard-working people. They never gave up on anything, they struggled a lot until now, they did sacrifices for us, as any parent would do. Aww, I love so much my parents. 
After I was born, my sister used to play a lot with me. She paid special attention to me and my needs. My mother stopped working when my nuna (=older sister) was born. She had to take care of us. But she used to bake cakes and cook for other families. My parents dedicated their life raising us. But they never yelled at us, they never argued, they tried all the time to discuss things. I believe a mother is a hero. During the day, she does laundry, cook, clean, take care of us, and at the end of the day she still have time to wait her husband with warm food on the table. Awsome mom! 
Time passed quickly and here we are. I am here, at the first day of school. Hope you didn't forget where I was before I started this lovely story of my parents. I used to say that I like studying, I want to grow up and go to school so much that my sister starting teaching me things, since I was 4 years old. Lucky me, I was always before the others. My school life is a disaster, not because of my grades, but because I make a fool of myself all the time. But I will let you know more in the next episode.

1 comment:

  1. Maine avem continuarea? Nu pentru ca e usor sa pentru ca abea astept continuarea.....kwaiting!
