Thursday 17 January 2013

A life story about God

I usually do not talk about God too often. Is not because I am ashamed but because I didn't get a chance until now to meet Him, know Him too well or something like that. In other words, I didn't read the Bible until now. Not because I didn't want to but because it just happened. 
I remember I have read it somewhere on Hi5, a long time ago, but it had a good life-lesson so I remembered it. It is about a new saint and God. This new saint had to learn how things work on the Earth so both, the saint and God, came down (on the Earth).
First, they stopped in front of a rich family's house. It was so big that a hole village could live under the same roof. The door was from glass so they could see their house inside. At first, the bodyguards didn't want to let them in, but the wife came and asked:
-Who are these people? What they want?
-They are street people, madam, they said. They asked for food and a place to sleep.
The wife looked at those two men and, because it was cold outside, she agreed to let them in. The house was indeed big, the stairs were covered in gold, everything seemed like a fairytale house. Just that, this rich family, gave them all the rests from their meals and let them sleep in the basement. During the night, God woke up and took a walk in that "room". It was dirty, wet and the smell was terrible, but at least they had a warm place to sleep. Then, God saw a hole in the wall. He looked a while at it, then He covered it with his hand and the hole disappeared as it never was there. The saint saw Him and asked:
-They are enough rich to cover themselves that hole. Why did You did it?
God smiled and sat next to him. He took the saint's hands and smiled. His eyes were pleased as they received all the love there. Then, He answered:
-Son, not everything is what it seems. Let's sleep. Tomorrow we have to wake up in the morning and go on. 
The saint didn't understand a word of what God was trying to tell him. He fell asleep wondering what God wanted to teach him. Next day in the morning, they both thanked to the owners of the hourse for the hospitality and left. They walked all day without eating anything, bearing with the hot weather outside. They were lucky to meet a lot of nice people who offered them a glass of water. 
The night came and they hurried to the second house. 
This time, was the house of a poor family. They were 8, so they had 6 children in total. They were welcomed in the house and even if they only had two rooms, the guests slept in the best bed. The only food they had was the milk from their cow. The family loved and cared about the cow, as if it was their eyes. They also gave to the guests the best food they had and treated them like family. They had a chance to wash themselves with warm water and sleep well. During the night, around 3 a.m. God walked out of the room and went to the roof. He silently sat down and looked at the sky. The saint went out too, followed God to the roof. God looked like He was waiting for someone or something. He looked like He was blessing this family for sure. The saint sat next to God and prayed for the family too. After a few minutes, something happened in the stable. The cow suddenly started to scream out loud and then the sound disappeared. The family ran quickly to the stable and what they saw? Their precious cow was dead. Immediatly all family started to cry and prayed to God to give back their cow. 
Angry, after seeing this, the saint stood up and asked God:
-God, at the first house, we were treated bad, those people were selfish and, yet, you covered that hole for them. And HERE, where these people treated us like their family, we ate their food, used their best bed and washed with warm water...they ONLY had a cow to feed all these children. WHY did you let such a nightmare to happen to them?? Why they have to suffer? They are good people, God. Why did you let this happen??
God smiled again and said the same thing: Nothing is what it seems to be. The saint was angry again. 
-What does that mean, God? I didn't understand you yesterday and today I don't understand either. Please explain so I can understand.
God smiled again, touched his shoulder and said softly:
-Come here, son. Have a sit next to me. Remember the first house, yesterday? Yes, I did covered that hole. But you were blind because you saw that gold and that treasure in one single house. If you would've tried to look closer, you would've seen that inside the hole was gold. [The eyes of the saint got bigger.] So, I only covered that gold, because that family was enough selfish. I wanted to hide that gold so that they won't find it and destroy themselves.After that, we came here. Is true, this family deserves the best. They deserve to live a long life without knowing what pain is. But last night, the angel of death came to me and told me that he was going to take their mother. Do you think I could do that? I offered in return their cow's life and that's how they will eat less, but  they will be happy together, as a family.
After hearing this, the saint got his lesson. He undersood that behind all the things that others do, there is always a reason that we don't know. That we shouldn't judge anyone because only God has this power. 
Hope you enjoyed my little story. Is not mine, but I remembered it yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. 

God bless everyone!

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