Sunday 13 January 2013

After eight months only....and I miss you like crazy ✞ Part one ✞

A few months ago I recevied an offline message from my sister telling me "Did you find out about mom?". That was how everything has started. I recall that moment as the worst moment ever. 

I was in Vienna, for studies, and I was about to give some tests for my final grade. There was nothing more interesting in my life than that experience. (I will tell you more about this in some other post). My mother was sick since I was in second grade. She used to go to the hospital three times per week for dialysis for more than 11 years. I was prepared for this for a long time, but when the time came, I realized I wasn't prepared at all. I thought for the worst that moment. Since she never had problems until now, she was one of the strongest persons I've ever met (and I am glad I am like her). But she had a heart-attack for 45 minutes. It was a true miracle that she survived. I was shocked, stressed, scared and alone, in a new dormitory. It happened that a girl, from the same floor, saw me and asked if I need to go out for a walk to make me feel better. It was nice to have someone there, next to me, even if she was just a stranger to me. I am grateful to that person. After that shock I had a pain in my chest so strong that I couldn't eat, sleep or do anything else. I called everyone to ask how she is. Everybody told me she is just fine, but the pain wouldn't go anywhere. There was nothing in this world more precious than my mother. In one morning I called my mother from Vienna to see how she is, but the call was redirected to another person.
-Hello, mom?! How are you? Are you ok?
-What mother? There is no mother here. You called the wrong person. 
That moment I was like "What's wrong? She couldn't recognize me???" so I got even more scared. I checked twice the phone number and it was the was her number. I cried so much that day. I was scared that I was going to lose her, that I am not there for her. I cursed the day I applied for my scholarship. I hated me being there because I couldn't leave the place...
The only way I could be by her side, was to pray. So I decided to ask all my friends and their friends to pray together for my mother. In a post on facebook. I am glad I had them next to me, encourage me all the time and pray together for me. Thank you all!
So here it is, the post:
Pray for my mother
19 IUN 2012 - 21:26:10

Hello everyone. My name is Marina Voicu, 23 years, I am a
student from Korean-English section in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and now I am an
exchange student in Vienna. I am not writing here to ask you money or anything
material. I would like to ask you to pray for my mother, who is in the hospital
in Bucharest, Romania. I know I am not the best friend or the perfect
classmate, or I might be someone you just heard about or not, but in this
moment I would appreciate those who have a heart and love their mother, if you
have time or would like to pray for my mother also. Her disease is something
that cannot be fixed. Is called polycystic kidney (is like a cancer for kidney). If you google it you will find out that this disease will reapear in a few months on a new
kidney so I don’t ask for anything material since she cannot be operated.
She had the first surgery at 21 years, and with almost 13 before now, the second
one. In a few words, she didn’t had any kidney for almost 13 years (this years)
and she went 3 times/ week at the hospital for dialysis
 to take out her
liquid. Because of this, her other organs (including her heart) started to get
weaker and weaker. 
On Friday I came back to the dormitory, after a long day, and I’ve fpund out about
my mother’s first 
heart attack (in these 13 years!). You can
imagine that I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep at all. The doctors tried
for 40 minutes to bring her back to life and they succeded. But because she was
resuscitated for so long she had some pains in the chest and other problems. Her body got weak. After that, everybosy told me that she is fine but I still felt a hole
inside and I kept being worried. Today I’ve found out that yesterday had the
second heart attack (in 4 days). For those who study medicine, they understand
exactly how things are going. Now I am scared that she can have another and she
can die this time. That’s why I am asking you this.
She is a wonderful mother who sacrificed herself for letting me study what I want,
even now she doesn’t want us (me and my smaller sister who works in Indonesia)
to know about her real situation because she loves us too much to make us
She is that kind of mother who doesn’t need anything but gives everything to the
others. Those who had met her before know already how is she. Strong woman with
a kind heart. So, I’m begging you to help me with a praier for her because her
case is really rare and the situation doesn’t seem to good. I know I should
just be greatful because I had her all these 13 years when not even the doctor
didn’t gave her any chance at the beginning, but is it a bad thing to wish to
have her more? I am just 23, I am not even married. And now, while I am writing
this post, my tears are falling down because I know I cannot do anything else
for her than praying and praying again. I’m not good at talking about feelings,
but if I should explain how I feel is like trying to breath under the water or
in a plastic bag (for a longer time). There is no expression for this feeling
actually. If you  still don’t understand the feeling, is easier to think that your own mother is in this case. You can understand but you never can know exactly how I feel unless you’ve been trough this. I am not the person who does these things, but in this case is really necessairly because only a miracle from God can help my mother.
I hope you will excuse me because I dared to ask you this. I really love my
mother and at least this is what I can do for her. God bless everybody and all
the mothers in this world.

Marina (19 June 2012)
As a response, a lot of friends and stranger were next to me. We were praying together for her and God listened to us. I even sent one of my friends from Bucharest to visit her and she told me is better if I could come back as soon as possible. My mother wasn't looking to well. After a few days, she had almost a heart-attack again. Because of  some analysis that gave her so much pain that she almost fainted without breath. After that, I could breath normally. That pain from my chest disappeared. My classmated found out from Facebook about my story and the teachers already thought I left back home. I went to my supervisor and told him what happened. I asked what can I do and he gave me a chance to leave a week earlier. After a lot of trubles with papers (Austria is crazy with sooo many papers xD), I finally got a chance to come in Romania with someone's private car.

---TO BE CONTINUED---- Part two and Part three

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