Sunday 13 January 2013

My first post on this blog

It is winter yet and all exams are waiting at my door. Tomorrow is the start of this stressfull part called "exams". I am scared and happy in the same time. I've been waiting a long time for my final year in this university, therefore I will be graduating soon. These days I've been thinking a lot about my future, about my dreams and plans that I've made until now, about what I wish and what I have to do in the future. Nothing seems clear lately and I need to think twice about this. 
Self-Introduction: Hello, my name is Mary. And I am 23. My major is Korean lanugage and literature, and my second major is English language and literature. I live in Romania. My favourite movies are Asian, obviously, I  Korean culture and I am in   I am a simple person, I laugh and smile a lot, I like people around me and I get confused easily. I am abitious and I do a lot of foolish things, I  animals, music and dance, I  watching movies and sleep a lot. I like walks at night, rain and being kissed. I  when I can be myself without being afraid of what others think of me, I hate lying and liers. In some other life I might have been a model or something since I like taking pictures and being filmed. I like memories and hollidays, I like eating, cooking or knitting. I could be a great mom but I am afraid of being married. I don't trust any guy I meet because I had suffered a lot in the past, but when I do, I do it with all my heart. I stopped being angry on my past, I take the chance when I have it and not regret it later. I am who I am because of the circumstances I've been through until now, all the experiences of my life made me who I am today. I am messy in my life, but obsessed with cleaning. I  being hugged and hug others. I believe in trust, respect and long relationships of all kinds. I belive in God and good people, I know I am not a good person but I am willing to chance myself and be better. I like cherries and flowers, I appreaciate more small gifts than expensive and with-no-feelings gifts. When I was a child I wished I could become a great singer but, without someone to encourage me and practice, I lost my voice I used to have. I can change my mind easily, my imagination has no limits, I am a day-dreamer, I say stupid jokes, I smile with no reason. I am a romantic person, I read a lot, I share my thoughts with many, but different people (each of them is well-chosen for the type of thought I have, each of them is special in their way). I have a lot of friends, but a few true friends . I miss my old friends all the time but I am too afraid to tell them. Most of the time, they have their life now, without me. I am scared to death because of the enemies I've reached, but I will never give up on my dreams. I know exactly what I want and I will do my best to have it. With hard work and hope, I believe each of us can be happy and get what they want. I am willing to give up on my own happiness for my friend's happiness (if he/ she is a good and sincere friend), I am willing to do whatever it takes to prouve to myself that I can do it, I am willing to listen anyone who needs me, to care for those who need this, to cry or laugh with my loved ones. I can do a lot of things and in the end I will still say "I haven't done anything today.". I could talk a lot about myself, but never is enough. And you know why? Because a person is complex, too complex to be analyzed. But, for now, is enough. This is ME. And I am proud to be myself. 

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